01 Jun

The following poem is WRITTEN AND OWNED by Erika Tressler. This is an example of a sestina. 

Written January 10th, 2019

The Light

Sometimes it's hard to smile
Sometimes it's hard to find joy
I am often left in the dark
I am often left feeling broken
It feels like ice has taken over my heart
Might as well take away my breath

If only the pain would go away with a single breath
Then maybe I could truthfully smile,
Place true happiness inside my heart.
The only healer I've ever known failed me. Joy.
Maybe...I'll always be broken,
Always be left in the dark

But...what if there is light outside the dark
What if...all I have to do is take a breath
Maybe...I won't always be broken
Maybe...there is truth behind the smile
Maybe "false" isn't the word to describe the joy.
I...think the ice is melting from my heart

Buh bump! Goes my heart!
Beating it's way out of the dark
I am being overwhelmed with Joy!
I race towards the Light, never running out of breath
I can't help...but smile
I am starting to heal. I'm fixing what's broken.

But...there is one thing that is still broken.
Let's push it away! Warmth fills my heart.
I don't grin nor blush...but smile.
I take one last step out of the dark
The Light. The first thing I do is take a deep breath
My healer didn't fail me after all. I realized, you are the Light, Joy.

My companion and friend is Joy.
I have healed and now I cannot be broken
All I simply had to do was take a deep breath
Now, stronger than any army is my heart
I reside in the light. I shun the dark
I now giggle and laugh and truthfully smile

I was trapped in the dark, couldn't get out
Trapped by a broken heart
But the Light was the key, causing me to smile with Joy

~Erika Tressler 

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